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Showing posts from February, 2012

The School Bus Call Me

There is a new experience today. Yeah, today is buying a magazine. So after school I went to the store. But, I was alone because my friend who always with me to buy a magazine is sick. No problem. I saw a school bus in the street. I thank, should I went by it or not? A conflict in my mind, because I also want to feel how about in there. Yeah, I never go by a school bus. But, I fell the bus had call me. Heheheh… Ya, teriakan itu semakin kuat. Aku memberanikan diri untuk menyeberang-segera ikut dengannya-namun terlalu malu jika ingin mengatakan “STOP”. What should I do? I’m really interest with the bus. Bagaimana mungkin masa sekolahku selama 9 tahun-Insha Allah- akan terkenang jika aku tak pernah sekali pun duduk di atas bus sekolah.. But luckily, my classmates was in there. They are Sinta, Rus Shinta, and Intan. I joined with them. The first comment about the bus is clean and suitable for student. *Of course*. I sat with Rus Shinta beside me. There is some students who I know. And af...

An Incident at The Bunker Place

First, I want to say… “Hello My Blog. Long time not see you.” And now I want to post a special story about my day. Ya, Today is a shy day. Aku dan teman harus malu di tempat pengisian bahan bakar. Ceritanya begini, sewaktu kami singgah di pertamina, Nunu ingin ke toilet. Terpaksa aku dan Suci harus turun dari public transporation untuk menemaninya. Kami mulai berjalan melewati berbagai merek mobil yang sedang mengantri. Setelah melewati kafetaria, kami terus berjalan ke depan dengan wajah super pede tidak memperdulikan tatapan orang-orang yang sumpah, terus melototi kami. Anjing menggonggong, kafilah tetap berlalu. Udah hampir di ujung, orang-orang pada teriak. Kami kaget bukan main. What??? What?? Mereka meneriaki kami dengan satu kalimat yang maknanya hampir sama. “Mau kemana dek?” Kami harus berbalik, bengong sebentar, berusaha memperbaiki ekspresi yang udah kagak karuan. Jilbabku udah miring ke kanan, kiri, akibat diterpa angin. Sambil cekikikan, kok orang-orang ini pada teriak...